Monday, October 5, 2009

Long Beach Comic Con 2009: Moonlight On Fantastic Forum

Check out Christopher Moonlight on Fantastic Forum (click here for the podcast) with Joe Antrum-Russell, Oscar Bermejo, Moses Alarcon, and Lawrence Yong. Also in the podcast: Comics on Comics' Juan-Manuel Rocha and Vito Lapiccola, plus Costplay goddess Samantha Scharlach. (AKA Silver AKA Lay Deadpool) It's a long podcast from the Long Beach Comic Con, and he doesn't turn up until nearer the end, but it's a lot of fun. Give a little time to load, and then scroll it about four marks from the end. If you hear them bagging on Twilight, you know I'm about to join them. Special thanks to FF producer Amber.

They talk about Moonlight Art Magazine, J.H. Williams III, Eddie Campbell, Billy Martinez, Dame Darcy, Paul Pope, and more. More pics coming soon.